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Improving Performance


Performance is a very important aspect of all medium to large sized applications. Doctrine is a large abstraction library that provides a database abstraction layer as well as object-relational mapping. While this provides a lot of benefits like portability and ease of development it's inevitable that this leads to drawbacks in terms of performance. This chapter tries to help you to get the best performance out of Doctrine.


Doctrine is quite big framework and usually dozens of files are being included on each request. This brings a lot of overhead. In fact these file operations are as time consuming as sending multiple queries to database server. The clean separation of class per file works well in developing environment, however when project goes commercial distribution the speed overcomes the clean separation of class per file convention.

Doctrine offers method called compile to solve this issue. The compile method makes a single file of most used Doctrine components which can then be included on top of your script. By default the file is created into Doctrine root by the name Doctrine.compiled.php.

Compiling is a method for making a single file of most used doctrine runtime components including the compiled file instead of multiple files (in worst cases dozens of files) can improve performance by an order of magnitude. In cases where this might fail, a Doctrine_Exception is throw detailing the error.

Lets create a compile script named compile.php to handle the compiling of DoctrineL:

// compile.php

require_once( '/path/to/doctrine/lib/Doctrine.php' );
spl_autoload_register( array( 'Doctrine', 'autoload' ) );

Doctrine_Core::compile( 'Doctrine.compiled.php' );

Now we can execute compile.php and a file named Doctrine.compiled.php will be generated in the root of your doctrine_test folder:

$ php compile.php

If you wish to only compile in the database drivers you are using you can pass an array of drivers as the second argument to compile. For this example we are only using MySQL so lets tell Doctrine to only compile the mysql driver:

// compile.php

// ...
Doctrine_Core::compile( 'Doctrine.compiled.php', array( 'mysql' ) );

Now you can change your bootstrap.php script to include the compiled Doctrine:

// bootstrap.php

// ...
require_once( 'Doctrine.compiled.php' );
// ...

Conservative Fetching

Maybe the most important rule is to be conservative and only fetch the data you actually need. This may sound trivial but laziness or lack of knowledge about the possibilities that are available often lead to a lot of unnecessary overhead.

Take a look at this example:

$ record = $table->find( $id );

How often do you find yourself writing code like that? It's convenient but it's very often not what you need. The example above will pull all columns of the record out of the database and populate the newly created object with that data. This not only means unnecessary network traffic but also means that Doctrine has to populate data into objects that is never used.

I'm sure you all know why a query like the following is not ideal:

1SELECT * FROM my_table

The above is bad in any application and this is also true when using Doctrine. In fact it's even worse when using Doctrine because populating objects with data that is not needed is a waste of time.

Another important rule that belongs in this category is: Only fetch objects when you really need them. Doctrine has the ability to fetch "array graphs" instead of object graphs. At first glance this may sound strange because why use an object-relational mapper in the first place then? Take a second to think about it. PHP is by nature a precedural language that has been enhanced with a lot of features for decent OOP. Arrays are still the most efficient data structures you can use in PHP. Objects have the most value when they're used to accomplish complex business logic. It's a waste of resources when data gets wrapped in costly object structures when you have no benefit of that. Take a look at the following code that fetches all comments with some related data for an article, passing them to the view for display afterwards:

$ q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->select( 'b.title,, b.created_at' )
    ->addSelect( 'COUNT( as num_comments' )
    ->from( 'BlogPost b' )
    ->leftJoin( 'b.Comments c' )
    ->where( ' = ?' )
    ->orderBy( 'b.created_at DESC' );

$ blogPosts = $q->execute( array( 1 ) );

Now imagine you have a view or template that renders the most recent blog posts:

1<?php foreach ( $blogPosts as $blogPost ): ?> <li> <strong> <?php echo $blogPost['title'] ?> </strong> - Posted on <?php echo $blogPost['created_at'] ?> by <?php echo $blogPost['author'] ?>. <small> (<?php echo $blogPost['num_comments'] ?>) </small> </li> <?php endforeach; ?>

Can you think of any benefit of having objects in the view instead of arrays? You're not going to execute business logic in the view, are you? One parameter can save you a lot of unnecessary processing:

$ blogPosts = $q->execute( array( 1 ), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY );

If you prefer you can also use the setHydrationMethod method:

$ q->setHydrationMode( Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY );
$ blogPosts = $q->execute( array( 1 ) );

The above code will hydrate the data into arrays instead of objects which is much less expensive.

One great thing about array hydration is that if you use the ArrayAccess on your objects you can easily switch your queries to use array hydration and your code will work exactly the same. For example the above code we wrote to render the list of the most recent blog posts would work when we switch the query behind it to array hydration.

Sometimes, you may want the direct output from PDO instead of an object or an array. To do this, set the hydration mode to Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_NONE. Here's an example:

$ q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->select( 'SUM(d.amount)' )
    ->from( 'Donation d' );

$ results = $q->execute( array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_NONE );

You will need to print the results and find the value in the array depending on your DQL query:

$ print_r( $results );

In this example the result would be accessible with the following code:

$ total = $results[0][1];

There are two important differences between HYDRATE_ARRAY and HYDRATE_NONE which you should consider before choosing which to use. HYDRATE_NONE is the fastest but the result is an array with numeric keys and so results would be referenced as $result[0][0] instead of $result[0]['my_field'] with HYDRATE_ARRAY. Best practice would to use HYDRATE_NONE when retrieving large record sets or when doing many similar queries. Otherwise, HYDRATE_ARRAY is more comfortable and should be preferred.

Bundle your Class Files

When using Doctrine or any other large OO library or framework the number of files that need to be included on a regular HTTP request rises significantly. 50-100 includes per request are not uncommon. This has a significant performance impact because it results in a lot of disk operations. While this is generally no issue in a dev environment, it's not suited for production. The recommended way to handle this problem is to bundle the most-used classes of your libraries into a single file for production, stripping out any unnecessary whitespaces, linebreaks and comments. This way you get a significant performance improvement even without a bytecode cache (see next section). The best way to create such a bundle is probably as part of an automated build process i.e. with Phing.

Use a Bytecode Cache

A bytecode cache like APC will cache the bytecode that is generated by php prior to executing it. That means that the parsing of a file and the creation of the bytecode happens only once and not on every request. This is especially useful when using large libraries and/or frameworks. Together with file bundling for production this should give you a significant performance improvement. To get the most out of a bytecode cache you should contact the manual pages since most of these caches have a lot of configuration options which you can tweak to optimize the cache to your needs.

Free Objects

As of version 5.2.5, PHP is not able to garbage collect object graphs that have circular references, e.g. Parent has a reference to Child which has a reference to Parent. Since many doctrine model objects have such relations, PHP will not free their memory even when the objects go out of scope.

For most PHP applications, this problem is of little consequence, since PHP scripts tend to be short-lived. Longer-lived scripts, e.g. bulk data importers and exporters, can run out of memory unless you manually break the circular reference chains. Doctrine provides a free function on Doctrine_Collection, and Doctrine_Query which eliminates the circular references on those objects, freeing them up for garbage collection. Usage might look like:

Free objects when mass inserting records:

for ( $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++ )
    $object = createBigObject();
    $object->free( true );

You can also free query objects in the same way:

for ( $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++ )
    $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
        ->from( 'User u' );

    $results = $q->fetchArray();

Or even better if you can reuse the same query object for each query in the loop that would be ideal:

$ q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('User u');

for ( $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++ )
    $results = $q->fetchArray();

Other Tips

  • Helping the DQL parser

    There are two possible ways when it comes to using DQL. The first one is writing the plain DQL queries and passing them to Doctrine_Connection::query( $dql ). The second one is to use a Doctrine_Query object and its fluent interface. The latter should be preferred for all but very simple queries. The reason is that using the Doctrine_Query object and it's methods makes the life of the DQL parser a little bit easier. It reduces the amount of query parsing that needs to be done and is therefore faster.

  • Efficient relation handling

    When you want to add a relation between two components you should not do something like the following:

    The following example assumes a many-many between Role and User.

    $ role = new Role();
    $ role->name = 'New Role Name';
    $ user->Roles[] = $newRole;

    The above code will load all roles of the user from the database if they're not yet loaded! Just to add one new link!

    The following is the recommended way instead:

    $ userRole          = new UserRole();
    $ userRole->role_id = $role_id;
    $ userRole->user_id = $user_id;
    $ userRole->save();


Lots of methods exist for improving performance in Doctrine. It is highly recommended that you consider some of the methods described above.

Now lets move on to learn about some of the Technology used in Doctrine.