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From the start Doctrine has been designed to work with multiple connections. Unless separately specified Doctrine always uses the current connection for executing the queries.

In this chapter we will demonstrate how to create and work with Doctrine connections.

Opening Connections

Doctrine_Manager provides the static method Doctrine_Manager::connection which opens new connections.

In this example we will show you to open a new connection:

// test.php
$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection('mysql://username:password@localhost/test', 'connection 1');

Retrieve Connections

If you use the Doctrine_Manager::connection method and don't pass any arguments it will return the current connection:

// test.php
$conn2 = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
if ($conn === $conn2) {
    echo 'Doctrine_Manager::connection() returns the current connection';

Current Connection

The current connection is the last opened connection. In the next example we will show how you can get the current connection from the Doctrine_Manager instance:

// test.php
$conn2 = Doctrine_Manager::connection('mysql://username2:password2@localhost/test2', 'connection 2');
if ($conn2 === $manager->getCurrentConnection()) {
    echo 'Current connection is the connection we just created!';

Change Current Connection

You can change the current connection by calling Doctrine_Manager::setCurrentConnection:

// test.php
$manager->setCurrentConnection('connection 1');
echo $manager->getCurrentConnection()->getName(); // connection 1

Iterating Connections

You can iterate over the opened connections by simply passing the manager object to a foreach clause. This is possible since IteratorAggregate interface.

The IteratorAggregate is a special PHP interface for implementing iterators in to your objects.

// test.php
foreach($manager as $conn) {
    echo $conn->getName() . "";

Get Connection Name

You can easily get the name of a Doctrine_Connection instance with the following code:

// test.php
$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
$name = $manager->getConnectionName($conn);
echo $name; // connection 1

Close Connection

You can easily close a connection and remove it from the Doctrine connection registry with the following code:

// test.php
$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();

If you wish to close the connection but not remove it from the Doctrine connection registry you can use the following code instead:

// test.php
$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();

Get All Connections

You can retrieve an array of all the registered connections by using the Doctrine_Manager::getConnections method like below:

// test.php
$conns = $manager->getConnections();
foreach ($conns as $conn) {
    echo $conn->getName() . "";

The above is essentially the same as iterating over the Doctrine_Manager object like we did earlier. Here it is again:

// test.php
foreach ($manager as $conn) {
    echo $conn->getName() . "";

Count Connections

You can easily get the number of connections from a Doctrine_Manager` object since it implements the ``Countable` interface:

// test.php
$num = count($manager);
echo $num;

The above is the same as doing:

// test.php
$num = $manager->count();

Creating and Dropping Database

When you create connections using Doctrine, you gain the ability to easily create and drop the databases related to those connections.

This is as simple as using some functions provided in the Doctrine_Connection classes.

The following code will iterate over all instantiated connections and call the createDatabases function on each one:

// test.php

For a Specific Connection

You can easily drop or create the database for a specific Doctrine_Connection instance by calling the createDatabase function on the connection instance with the following code:

// test.php

Writing Custom Connections

Sometimes you might need the ability to create your own custom connection classes and utilize them. You may need to extend mysql, or write your own connection type completely. This is possible by writing a few classes and then registering the new connection type with Doctrine.

So in order to create a custom connection first we need to write the following classes:

class Doctrine_Connection_Test extends Doctrine_Connection_Common

class Doctrine_Adapter_Test implements Doctrine_Adapter_Interface
    // All the methods defined in the interface

Now we register them with Doctrine:

// bootstrap.php
$manager->registerConnectionDriver('test', 'Doctrine_Connection_Test');

With those few changes something like this is now possible:

$conn = $manager->openConnection('test://username:password@localhost/dbname');

If we were to check what classes are used for the connection you will notice that they are the classes we defined above:

echo get_class($conn); // Doctrine_Connection_Test
echo get_class($conn->getDbh()); // Doctrine_Adapter_Test


Now that we have learned all about Doctrine connections we should be ready to dive right in to models in the Introduction to Models chapter. We will learn a little bit about Doctrine models first. Then we will start to have some fun and create our first test models and see what kind of magic Doctrine can provide for you.