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Writing a Unit of Work in PHP Doctrine

:Authors: - Jon Lebensold :Contact:

In this tutorial, we're going to create a Unit Of Work object that will simplify performing transactions with Doctrine Models. The Goal here is to centralize all of our commits to the database into one class which will perform them transactionally.

Afterwards, we can extend this class to include logging and error handling in case a commit fails.

It is helpful to think of the Unit of Work as a way of putting everything that we would want to update, insert and delete into one bag before sending it to the database.

Let's create a Doctrine YAML file with a Project Model:

Project: tableName: lookup_project columns: id: primary: true autoincrement: true type: integer(4) name: string(255)

With Doctrine models, saving a Project should be as simple as this:

$project = new Project(); $project->name = 'new project';


However, as soon as we want to perform database transactions or logging becomes a requirement, having save(); statements all over the place can create a lot of duplication.

To start with, let's create a UnitOfWork class:

class UnitOfWork { protected $*createOrUpdateCollection = array();

protected $*deleteCollection = array(); }

Because Doctrine is clever enough to know when to UPDATE and when to INSERT, we can combine those two operations in one collection. We'll store all the delete's that we're planning to form in $_deleteCollection.

Now we need to add some code to our class to make sure the same object isn't added twice.

protected function

existsInCollections(`model) { // does the model already belong to the createOrUpdate collection? foreach (` this->createOrUpdateCollectionas `m) { if (` model->getOid() == $m->getOid()) { return true; }}

// does the model already belong to the delete collection?
foreach ($this->_deleteCollection as $m) {
    if ($model->getOid() == $m->getOid()) {
        return true;


return false; }

Now we can add our public methods that will be used by code outside of the UnitOfWork:

public function

registerModelForCreateOrUpdate(`model) { // code to check to see if the model exists already if (` this->_existsInCollections($model)){ throw new Exception('model already in another collection for this transaction'); }

// no? add it
$ this->_createOrUpdateCollection[] = $model;


public function registerModelForDelete(`model) { // code to check to see if the model exists already if (` this->_existsInCollections($model)){ throw new Exception('model already in another collection for this transaction'); }

// no? add it
$ this->_deleteCollection[] = $model;


Before we write the transaction code, we should also be able to let other code clear the Unit Of Work. We'll use this method internally as well in order to flush the collections after our transaction is succesful.

public function clearAll() { $this->*deleteCollection = array();

$this->*createOrUpdateCollection = array(); }

With skeleton in place, we can now write the code that performs the Doctrine transaction:

public function commitAll() { $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();

try {


} catch(Doctrine_Exception $e) {

$ this->clearAll();


Now we're assuming that we've already started a Doctrine connection. In order for this object to work, we need to initialize Doctrine. It's often best to put this kind of code in a config.php file which is loaded once using require_once();

define('SANDBOX_PATH', dirname(FILE)); define('DOCTRINE_PATH',

SANDBOX_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib'); define('MODELS_PATH', SANDBOX_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models'); define('YAML_SCHEMA_PATH', SANDBOX_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'schema'); define('DB_PATH', 'mysql://root:@localhost/database');

require_once(DOCTRINE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Doctrine.php');

spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload')); Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->setAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_MODEL_LOADING, Doctrine_Core::MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE);

$connection = Doctrine_Manager::connection(DB_PATH, 'main');


With all that done, we can now invoke the Unit of Work to perform a whole range of operations in one clean transaction without adding complexity to the rest of our code base.

$t = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Project'); $lastProjects =

$t->findByName('new project');

$unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();

// prepare an UPDATE $lastProjects[0]->name = 'old project'; `unitOfWork->registerModelForCreateOrUpdate(` lastProjects[0]); // prepare a CREATE $project = new Project(); $project->name = 'new project name';

`unitOfWork->registerModelForCreateOrUpdate(` project); // prepare a DELETE `unitOfWork->registerModelForDelete(` lastProjects[3]); // perform the transaction $unitOfWork->commitAll();

The end result should look like this:

class UnitOfWork { /* Collection of models to be persisted

@var array Doctrine_Record */ protected $_createOrUpdateCollection = array();

 * Collection of models to be persisted
 * @var array Doctrine_Record
protected $_deleteCollection = array();

 * Add a model object to the create collection
 * @param Doctrine_Record $model
public function registerModelForCreateOrUpdate($model)
    // code to check to see if the model exists already
    if ($this->_existsInCollections($model)) {
        throw new Exception('model already in another collection for this transaction');

    // no? add it
    $this->_createOrUpdateCollection[] = $model;

 * Add a model object to the delete collection
 * @param Doctrine_Record $model
public function registerModelForDelete($model)
      // code to check to see if the model exists already
      if ($this->_existsInCollections($model)) {
          throw new Exception('model already in another collection for this transaction');

      // no? add it
      $this->_deleteCollection[] = $model;

 * Clear the Unit of Work
public function ClearAll()
    $this->_deleteCollection = array();
    $this->_createOrUpdateCollection = array();

 * Perform a Commit and clear the Unit Of Work. Throw an Exception if it fails and roll back.
public function commitAll()
    $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();

    try {


    } catch(Doctrine_Exception $e) {


protected function _performCreatesOrUpdates($conn)
    foreach ($this->_createOrUpdateCollection as $model) {

protected function _performDeletes($conn)
    foreach ($this->_deleteCollection as $model) {

protected function _existsInCollections($model)
   foreach ($this->_createOrUpdateCollection as $m) {
        if ($model->getOid() == $m->getOid()) {
            return true;

   foreach ($this->_deleteCollection as $m) {
        if ($model->getOid() == $m->getOid()) {
            return true;

   return false;


Thanks for reading, feel free to check out or mail me at [email protected] if you have any questions.