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CodeIgniter and Doctrine

This tutorial will get you started using Doctrine with Code Igniter

Download Doctrine

First we must get the source of Doctrine from svn and place it in the system/database folder.

$ cd system/database $ svn co doctrine $ cd ..

// If you use svn in your project you can set Doctrine // as an external so you receive bug fixes automatically from svn $ svn propedit svn:externals database

// In your favorite editor add the following line // doctrine

Setup Doctrine

Now we must setup the configuration for Doctrine and load it in system/application/config/database.php

$ vi application/config/database.php

The code below needs to be added under this line of code

$db['default']['cachedir'] = ;

Add this code // Create dsn from the info above $db['default']['dsn'] = $db['default']['dbdriver'] . '://' . $db['default']['username'] . ':' . $db['default']['password']. '@' . $db['default']['hostname'] . '/' . $db['default']['database'];

// Require Doctrine.php require_once(realpath(dirname(FILE) . '/../..') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database/doctrine/Doctrine.php');

// Set the autoloader spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload'));

// Load the Doctrine connection Doctrine_Manager::connection($db['default']['dsn'], $db['default']['database']);

// Set the model loading to conservative/lazy loading Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->setAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_MODEL_LOADING, Doctrine_Core::MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE);

// Load the models for the autoloader Doctrine_Core::loadModels(realpath(dirname(FILE) . '/..') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models');

Now we must make sure system/application/config/database.php is included in your front controller. Open your front controller in your favorite text editor.

$ cd .. $ vi index.php

Change the last 2 lines of code of index.php with the following

require_once APPPATH.'config/database.php'; require_once


Setup Command Line Interface

Create the following file: system/application/doctrine and chmod the file so it can be executed. Place the code below in to the doctrine file.

$ vi system/application/doctrine

Place this code in system/application/doctrine

#!/usr/bin/env php define('BASEPATH','.'); // mockup that this app was

executed from ci ;) chdir(dirname(FILE)); include('doctrine.php');

Now create the following file: system/application/doctrine.php. Place the code below in to the doctrine.php file.


// Configure Doctrine Cli // Normally these are arguments to the cli tasks but if they are set here the arguments will be auto-filled $config = array('data_fixtures_path' => dirname(FILE) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '/fixtures', 'models_path' => dirname(FILE) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '/models', 'migrations_path' => dirname(FILE) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '/migrations', 'sql_path' => dirname(FILE) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '/sql', 'yaml_schema_path' => dirname(FILE) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '/schema');

`cli = new Doctrine_Cli(` config); cli->run( _SERVER['argv']); Now we must create all the directories for Doctrine to use

// Create directory for your yaml data fixtures files $ mkdir


// Create directory for your migration classes $ mkdir system/application/migrations

// Create directory for your yaml schema files $ mkdir system/application/schema

// Create directory to generate your sql to create the database in $ mkdir system/application/sql

Now you have a command line interface ready to go. If you execute the doctrine shell script with no argument you will get a list of available commands

$ cd system/application $ ./doctrine Doctrine Command Line Interface

./doctrine build-all ./doctrine build-all-load ./doctrine build-all-reload ./doctrine compile ./doctrine create-db ./doctrine create-tables ./doctrine dql ./doctrine drop-db ./doctrine dump-data ./doctrine generate-migration ./doctrine generate-migrations-db ./doctrine generate-migrations-models ./doctrine generate-models-db ./doctrine generate-models-yaml ./doctrine generate-sql ./doctrine generate-yaml-db ./doctrine generate-yaml-models ./doctrine load-data ./doctrine migrate ./doctrine rebuild-db $

On Microsoft Windows, call the script via the PHP binary (because the script won't invoke it automatically:

php.exe doctrine

Start Using Doctrine

It is simple to start using Doctrine now. First we must create a yaml schema file. (save it at schema with filename like : user.yml) --- User: columns: id: primary: true autoincrement: true type: integer(4) username: string(255) password: string(255) relations: Groups: # Relation alias or class name class: Group # Class name. Optional if alias is the class name local: user_id # Local: = UserGroup.user_id. Optional foreign: group_id # Foreign: = UserGroup.group_id. Optional refClass: UserGroup # xRefClass for relating Users to Groups foreignAlias: Users # Opposite relationship alias. Group hasMany Users

Group: tableName: groups columns: id: primary: true autoincrement: true type: integer(4) name: string(255)

UserGroup: columns: user_id: type: integer(4) primary: true group_id: type: integer(4) primary: true relations: User: local: user_id # Local key foreign: id # Foreign key onDelete: CASCADE # Database constraint Group: local: group_id foreign: id onDelete: CASCADE

Now if you run the following command it will generate your models in system/application/models

$ ./doctrine generate-models-yaml generate-models-yaml - Generated

models successfully from YAML schema

Now check the file system/application/models/generated/BaseUser.php. You will see a compclass definition like below.

/* This class has been auto-generated by the Doctrine ORM

Framework */ abstract class BaseUser extends Doctrine_Record {

public function setTableDefinition() { $this->setTableName('user'); $this->hasColumn('id', 'integer', 4, array('primary' => true, 'autoincrement' => true)); $this->hasColumn('username', 'string', 255); $this->hasColumn('password', 'string', 255); }

public function setUp() { $this->hasMany('Group as Groups', array('refClass' => 'UserGroup', 'local' => 'user_id', 'foreign' => 'group_id'));

$ this->hasMany('UserGroup', array('local' => 'id',
                                  'foreign' => 'user_id'));



// Add custom methods to system/application/models/User.php

/ This class has been auto-generated by the Doctrine ORM Framework / class User extends BaseUser { public function setPassword($password) { `this->password = md5(` password); } } / This class has been auto-generated by the Doctrine ORM Framework / class UserTable extends Doctrine_Table { public function retrieveAll() { $query = new Doctrine_Query(); $query->from('User u'); $query->orderby('u.username ASC');

$ return $query->execute();

} }

Now we can create some sample data to load in to our application(this step requires you have a valid database configured and ready to go. The build-all-reload task will drop and recreate the database, create tables, and load data fixtures

Create a file in system/application/fixtures/users.yml

$ vi fixtures/users.yml

Add the following yaml to the file

User: jwage: username: jwage password: test

Now run the build-all-reload task to drop db, build models, recreate

$ ./doctrine build-all-reload build-all-reload - Are you sure you wish

to drop your databases? (y/n) y build-all-reload - Successfully dropped database named: jwage_codeigniter build-all-reload - Generated models successfully from YAML schema build-all-reload - Successfully created database named: jwage_codeigniter build-all-reload - Created tables successfully build-all-reload - Data was successfully loaded

Now we are ready to use Doctrine in our actual actions. Lets open our system/application/views/welcome_message.php and somewhere add the following code somewhere.

$user = new User(); $user->username = 'zYne-';

$user->setPassword('password'); $user->save();

$userTable = Doctrine_Core::getTable('User'); $user = $userTable->findOneByUsername('zYne-');

echo $user->username; // prints 'zYne-'

$users = $userTable->retrieveAll();

echo `users->count(); // echo '2'' foreach (` users as $user) {echo $user->username; }