Getting Started
Difference from the ORM Doctrine ORM knows several models of developing. If you know the ORM, please note that with PHPCR-ODM you can only develop Code First. We do not (yet) have any generator to build model classes from a content repository. As PHPCR allows NoSQL like data storage, we speak of Documents rather than Entities to stress the fact that there need not be a rigid database model. |
Doctrine PHPCR-ODM is an object-document mapper (ODM) for PHP 5.3.0+. It uses the Data Mapper pattern to transparently map PHPCR nodes to standard PHP objects allowing the programmer to easily build a domain model for their application instead of dealing with raw data.
Starting with the object-oriented model is called the Code First approach.
What are Documents?
Documents are lightweight PHP Objects that don't need to extend any abstract base class or interface. A document class must not be final or contain final methods. Additionally it must not implement clone nor wakeup.
See the architecture chapter for a full list of the restrictions that your entities need to comply with.
A document contains persistable properties. A persistable property is an instance variable of the document that is saved into and retrieved from the content repository by Doctrine's data mapping capabilities.
An Example Model: Document Management
- Documents have a title and a content
- Documents are arranged in a tree
- Documents can reference other documents
We do not build a web interface but simple run scripts on the command line to keep this example simple.
This is a simplistic document manage to illustrate the PHPCR-ODM features. If you want to build a custom Web Content Management System, we recommend looking into the Symfony CMF which is a content management framework built on top of Doctrine PHPCR-ODM and Symfony. |
Setup Project
Create a file composer.json in your project directory.
Then run the following commands on your command line
$ curl -s | php --
$ php composer.phar install
This will download the dependencies into the vendor/ folder and generate vendor/autoload.php
Now we bootstrap Doctrine PHPCR-ODM. Create a file called bootstrap.php
your project root directory:
// bootstrap.php
$vendorDir = __DIR__.'/vendor';
$file = $vendorDir.'/autoload.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
$autoload = require_once $file;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException('Install dependencies with composer.');
$params = [
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'host' => 'localhost',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => 'phpcr_odm_tutorial',
$workspace = 'default';
$user = 'admin';
$pass = 'admin';
/* --- transport implementation specific code begin --- */
// for more options, see
$dbConn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($params);
$parameters = ['jackalope.doctrine_dbal_connection' => $dbConn];
$repository = \Jackalope\RepositoryFactoryDoctrineDBAL::getRepository($parameters);
$credentials = new \PHPCR\SimpleCredentials(null, null);
/* --- transport implementation specific code ends --- */
$session = $repository->login($credentials, $workspace);
/* prepare the doctrine configuration */
use Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Mapping\Driver\AttributeDriver;
use Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Configuration;
use Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\DocumentManager;
$driver = new AttributeDriver([
// this is a list of all folders containing document classes
$config = new Configuration();
$documentManager = DocumentManager::create($session, $config);
return $autoload;
To enable the command line, copy the cli-config.<implementation>.php.dist to cli-config.php in your vendor directory and adjust it to match your bootstrap.php. Or better, remove the duplicate code and include cli-config.php from your bootstrap.php file.
If you want it in the root directory, configure the composer bin-dir to bin
Building the model
Models are plain PHP classes. Note that you have several ways to define the mapping. For easy readability, we use the attribute mapping with PHPCR namespace in this tutorial:
// src/Demo/Document.php
namespace Demo;
use Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Mapping\Attributes as PHPCR;
class MyDocument
private $id;
private $parent;
private $name;
private $children;
#[PHPCR\Field(type: 'string')]
private $title;
#[PHPCR\Field(type: 'string')]
private $content;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function getChildren()
return $this->children;
public function setParent($parent)
$this->parent = $parent;
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
public function setContent($content)
$this->content = $content;
public function getContent()
return $this->content;
If you are familiar with Doctrine ORM, this code should look pretty familiar to you. The
only important difference are the hierarchy related mappings ParentDocument
, Name
and Children
In PHPCR, data is stored in trees. Every document has a parent and its own name. The id is
built from this structure, resulting in path strings. The recommended way to generate the
id is by assigning a name and a parent to the document. See the section on identifier
strategies in the reference chapter Objects and Fields
for other possibilities.
PHPCR-ODM provides default classes for the standard PHPCR node types |
Initialize the repository
With jackalope-doctrine-dbal, you need to run the following command to init the database:
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcrodm jackalope:init:dbal
Then, regardless of the PHPCR implementation you use, you need to run another command to let Doctrine set up the repository for using it:
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcrodm doctrine:phpcr:register-system-node-types
Storing documents
We write a simple PHP script to generate some sample data:
// src/generate.php
require_once '../bootstrap.php';
// get the root node to add our data to it
$rootDocument = $documentManager->find(null, '/');
// create a new document
$doc = new \Demo\Document();
$doc->setTitle('My first document');
$doc->setContent('The document content');
// create a second document
$childDocument = new \Demo\Document();
$childDocument->setTitle('My child document');
$childDocument->setContent('The child document content');
// make the documents known to the document manager
// store all changes, insertions, etc. with the storage backend
In real projects, you should look into the doctrine fixtures to script generating content. |
Reading documents
This script will simply echo the data to the console:
// src/read.php
require_once '../bootstrap.php';
$doc = $documentManager->find(null, '/doc');
echo 'Found '.$doc->getId() ."\n";
echo 'Title: '.$doc->getTitle()."\n";
echo 'Content: '.$doc->getContent()."\n";
The DocumentManager will automatically determine the document class when
you pass null
as first argument to find()
Tree traversal
PHPCR is a tree based store. Every document must have a parent, and
can have children. We already used this when creating the document.
The ParentDocument
maps the parent of a document and is used
to determine the position in the tree, together with Nodename
As the children of our sample document are mapped with Children
we can traverse them:
use Demo\MyDocument;
$doc = $documentManager->find(null, '/doc');
foreach($doc->getChildren() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof MyDocument) {
echo 'Has child '.$child->getId() . "\n";
} else {
echo 'Unexpected child '.get_class($child)."\n";
Children can be of any class. Be careful when looping over children to be sure they are of the expected class. |
Even if children are not mapped, you can use the document manager to get all flushed children of a document:
$children = $documentManager->getChildren($parent);
While with the ORM, the natural thing to get data is to query, with PHPCR-ODM the natural way is to use the hierarchy, that is parent-child relations. If you need to query, see Querying in the Working with Objects section. |
Add references
PHPCR-ODM supports arbitrary links between documents. The referring
document does not need to know what class it links to. Use
resp. ReferenceMany
to map the link
to a document or a collection of links to documents.
You can also map the inverse relation. Referrers
needs the
referring class but can be used to add referencing documents.
maps all documents referencing this document,
but is readonly.
Lets look at an example of document A
referencing B
// src/Demo/A.php
namespace Demo;
use Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Mapping\Attributes as PHPCR;
class A
private $ref;
class B
#[PHPCR\Referrers(referringDocument: A::class, referencedBy: 'ref')]
private $referrers;
We can now create a reference with the following code:
$parent = $dm->find(null, '/');
$a = new A();
$b = new B();
$b = $dm->find(null, '/b');
// output Demo\A
If referrers are not mapped on a document, you can use the document manager to get all flushed referrers of a document:
$referrers = $documentManager->getReferrers($b);
Removing documents
To delete a document, call the remove
method on the DocumentManager
// src/manipulate.php
require_once '../bootstrap.php';
// remove a document
$doc = $documentManager->find(null, '/doc');
// persist all operations
Other helpful methods on the DocumentManager
You can move a document to a different path with the move
Alternatively, you can assign a different Parent and/or Nodename to move
by assignment. The latter is for example handy with Symfony forms:
// src/manipulate.php
require_once '../bootstrap.php';
// we move a node
$child = $documentManager->find(null, '/doc/child');
$documentManager->move($child, '/newpath');
// persist all operations
This tutorial is over here, I hope you had fun.
Additional details on all the topics discussed here can be found in the respective manual chapters.