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Doctrine Console

The Doctrine Console is a Command Line Interface tool for simplifying common tasks during the development of a project that uses Doctrine PHPCR-ODM. It is built on the Symfony Console Component

If you have not set up the console yet, take a look at the Console Setup Section.

Command Overview

There are many commands, for example to import and export data, modify data in the repository, query or dump data from the repository or work with PHPCR workspaces.

Run the console without any arguments to see a list of all commands. The commands are self documenting. See the next section how to get help.

PHPCR-ODM specific commands start with doctrine:. The commands that start with only phpcr: come from the phpcr-utils and are not specific to Doctrine PHPCR-ODM.

If you use the PHPCR-ODM bundle in Symfony, all commands will be prefixed with doctrine:phpcr.

Getting documentation of a command

Type ./vendor/bin/phpcrodm on the command line and you should see an overview of the available commands or use the --help flag to get information on the available commands. If you want to know more about the use of the register command for example, call:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpcrodm help doctrine:phpcr:register-system-node-types

PHPCR implementation specific commands

Jackrabbit specific commands

If you are using jackalope-jackrabbit, you also have a command to start and stop the jackrabbit server:

  • jackalope:run:jackrabbit Start and stop the Jackrabbit server

Doctrine DBAL specific commands

If you are using jackalope-doctrine-dbal, you have a command to initialize the database:

  • jackalope:init:dbal Prepare the database for Jackalope Doctrine DBAL

Register system node types

This command needs to be run once on a new repository to prepare it for use with the PHPCR-ODM. Failing to do so will throw you errors when you try to store a document that uses a node type different from nt:unstructured, like a file or folder.

Convert Mapping Information

Convert mapping information between supported formats.

This is an execute one-time command. It should not be necessary for you to call this method multiple times, especially when using the --from-database flag.

Converting an existing database schema into mapping files only solves about 70-80% of the necessary mapping information. Additionally the detection from an existing database cannot detect inverse associations, inheritance types, entities with foreign keys as primary keys and many of the semantical operations on associations such as cascade.

There is no need to convert YAML or XML mapping files to annotations every time you make changes. All mapping drivers are first class citizens in Doctrine 2 and can be used as runtime mapping for the ORM. See the docs on XML and YAML Mapping for an example how to register this metadata drivers as primary mapping source.

To convert some mapping information between the various supported formats you can use the ClassMetadataExporter to get exporter instances for the different formats:

$cme = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Export\ClassMetadataExporter();

Once you have a instance you can use it to get an exporter. For example, the yml exporter:

$exporter = $cme->getExporter('yml', '/path/to/export/yml');

Now you can export some ClassMetadata instances:

$classes = array(

This functionality is also available from the command line to convert your loaded mapping information to another format. The orm:convert-mapping command accepts two arguments, the type to convert to and the path to generate it:

$ php doctrine orm:convert-mapping xml /path/to/mapping-path-converted-to-xml

Adding your own commands

You can also add your own commands on-top of the Doctrine supported tools by adding them to your binary.

To include a new command in the console, either build your own console file or copy bin/phpcrodm.php into your project and add things as needed.

Read more on the Symfony Console Component in the official symfony documentation.