
Command Line

Access the Doctrine command line as follows:

$ ./vendor/bin/doctrine-module

Service Manager

Access the document manager using this service manager alias:

1$objectManager = $serviceManager->get('doctrine.documentmanager.odm_default');


Connection section

Either server or connectionString option has to be set.

Name Default Description
server ‘localhost’ IP of mongod instance
port 27017 mongod port
connectionString null If the connection string is specified, it will overwrite other connection options (server, port, user, password, dbname). Still, the connection will respect the settings passed in options array.
user null If set, the client will try to authenticate with given username and password
password null If set, the client will try to authenticate with given username and password
dbname null If dbname is not specified, “admin” will be used for authentication. Also, specifiing dbname affecs the defaultDB configuration option, if that’s not specified explicitly.
options array() Array with connection options. More detailed description in en/mongoclient.construct.php