DoctrineORMModule release 0.9.0
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The Zend Framework Integration Team is happy to announce the new release of DoctrineORMModule.
DoctrineORMModule 0.9.0 is out of the door!!
Note that this is the last version that supports doctrine/migrations. We are working on extracting this feature into an independent module.
Follow issue #401.
The Following issues were solved in this release: : - [#199] Add 'entity_listener_resolver' config key
- [#281] Forced failing unit test for #247
- [#306] Removing PHP 5.3.3 support
- [#272] Fix and test #270, #242, #285
- [#311] remove unused statement
- [#326] Highlight only uppercase words
- [#329] remove unused statements
- [#328] wrong var assignment
- [#313] Prevent overriding of type
- [#338] order the classes
- [#346] Corrected a typo in a comment to better clarify
- [#357] Modify sql_logger_collector class factory
- [#360] Add example for entity_resolver
- [#359] Update deprecated dialog console helper
- [#363] Prevent ZendFormElementFile types inherit of StringLength validator...
- [#365] Re-enable scrutinizer code coverage
- [#373] Add doc for cache
- [#347] added extra check in handleRequiredField
- [#377] fix docblocks
- [#376] Add latest migrations command
- [#375] Default repository
- [#374] Use ResolveTargetEntityListener as an event subscriber when supported
- [#318] Add support for second level cache
- [#378] Allow to set file lock for SLC
- [#380] Fix typo in configuration file markdown.
- [#385] Allow symfony 3.0 components
- [#388] update comment block in Module.php as no Module::getAutoloaderConfig()
- [#389] Delete Module.php in root directory
- [#390] travis: PHP 5.6, 7.0 nightly added, 5.3 dropped
- [#392] Use-case: caching module' s configuration
- [#396] Removed unnecessary line in travis config
- [#398] Composer * -update for stable version
To install this version, simply update your composer.json
"require": {
"doctrine/doctrine-orm-module": "0.9.0"