Doctrine 1.2.0-ALPHA Released

Posted on September 18, 2009 by jwage

Today I am happy to announce the immediate availability of Doctrine 1.2.0 ALPHA1. As you all may already know, 1.2 will most likely be the last 1.x version and is a LTS(long term support) release. We will post the official support schedule once 1.2 is stable and released.

You can download Doctrine 1.2.0-ALPHA1 on the download page just like normal.

This release contains many changes, bug fixes and enhancements. Some of them are highlighted below.

  • Removed string support from attributes system for performance increase
  • Cleaned up and removed deprecated code
  • Added ability to configure base Table, Query and Collection classes
  • Added ability to register custom hydrator and connection drivers
  • Enhanced Table magic finders to include conditions
  • Introduced Doctrine Extensions Repository
  • On Demand Hydration for better performance and less memory usage
  • Other various bug fixes, convenience enhancements and other minor performance improvements

You can view the full details of all the changes in the upgrade file. We use this to document all major changes so that upgrading is easier for you.