New Documentation PDF Downloads

Posted on January 30, 2009 by jwage

Today we have some great news! Thanks to Fabien from the symfony project , we now have a new way to generate the PDF version of our documentation. The new PDFs are a MAJOR step up from the previous style of PDF and am very pleased with it! Check it out by viewing the 1.0 version of The Guide to Doctrine for PHP or The Doctrine Cookbook.

What is next?

  • API Documentation available as PDF.
  • Downloadable package/zip file containing PDF versions of all documentation.
  • User submitted articles, snippets, tutorials, etc. to complement the official documentation.
  • ...Printed book.

Printed Book

Here is a teaser of the first draft of the front cover for the printed version of the book. Big thanks goes out to Jason O'Brien from centre{source} for doing the design work. The printed copy will be available on lulu very soon we just need to do some more proof reading and Q&A on everything before it is ready. The printed version of the book will use a slightly modified version of the PDF that is available for download on the web.