Birthday Release Party

Posted on September 1, 2010 by romanb

Today is Jonathan's birthday and in order to celebrate properly we're rolling out three new releases.

Doctrine Common RC1

The first release candidate of the Doctrine Common project.

Doctrine DBAL BETA4

The last beta release of the Doctrine DBAL project.

Doctrine ORM BETA4

The last beta release of the Doctrine ORM project.

Again we want to thank everyone who participated in the ongoing development efforts, whether it was through bug reports, comments, critique, praise and/or actual code contributions.

What next

Some might know that we originally planned to release 2.0 stable today but we're simply not there yet. However, things are going quite well and we're confident that the final releases of the 2.0 versions are close. The ORM and DBAL now enter a final phase of bug-fixing to resolve any issues we find critical for the final releases and will then follow the Common project into RC (release candidate) status.