MongoDB ODM: Atomic Operator Improvements

Posted on August 10, 2010 by jwage

Recently we've improved the support for use of atomic operators and how much it takes advantage of them in the Doctrine MongoDB ODM. Now when updating embedded documents it will use dot annotation to $set the individual properties instead of sending the entire document even if only one property changes.

Here is an example, first insert some new data:

$address = new Address();
$address->setStreet('6512 Mercomatic Ct');

$user = new User();
$user->addPhonenumber(new Phonenumber('6155139185'));


Now if we make some changes and flush() again it will perform an update:

$phonenumbers = $user->getPhonenumbers();


$user->addPhonenumber(new Phonenumber('1234'));


The above will result in the following queries, first it must run a $set to modify existing embedded documents:

    [$set] => Array
            [] => Nashville
            [phonenumbers.0.phonenumber] => booooo


Then it issues another update to $pushAll the new phonenumbers:

    [$pushAll] => Array
            [phonenumbers] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [phonenumber] => 1234


