Release of DBAL 2.0.0 Beta3

Posted on July 27, 2010 by beberlei

In preparation of the next ORM Beta Release in the next days we already released Doctrine DBAL 2.0.0BETA3 today. Noteworthy changes include:

  • BC Break: Changed behaviour of Postgres and Oracle DateTime now without Timezone (TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE instead of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) See Ticket DBAL-22 for more details aswell as migration issues for PostgreSQL and Oracle. This will be re-announced for the ORM Beta 3 release, which is affected from this change.
  • SQL Loggers can now log execution times of queries DBAL-11
  • Several Issue with AutoIncrement Detection in Doctrine

A total of 13 issues on DBAL has been fixed.


  • Changelog
  • Installation

    NOTE DBAL BETA 3 is not currently compatible with the ORM master, we still have to make some changes. Please wait to use DBAL Beta 3 with ORM until the ORM Beta 3 is released.