Doctrine all grown up

Posted on February 14, 2008 by jwage

Over the past several months, Doctrine has done some growing up. While the code has been under constant development for over 2 years, it hasn't been until the last 6 months that Doctrine has gotten a proper home and infrastructure to support the growth of the project over the coming years. Some of the things we've been able to accomplish are listed below:

  • Standardized svn and trac urls to svn/
  • Brand new design and official logo by Phu Son
  • Setup donation collections for the Doctrine project
  • Migrated to permanently
  • Initiated proper package/release branch management to ensure stability for our users
  • And of course continuing development towards 1.0

All these things are great for the project and we hope it serves the project well in the long run. Now we have some plans from today on. Soon we will begin to phase out the 0.9 branch completely and it will be replaced with the 0.10 branch. In the coming days we will release 0.9.1 and 0.10.1. The next release after that will be 0.10.2 and the 0.9 branch will officially not be supported any longer. Everyone will be recommended to upgrade to 0.10.2. On another note, trunk development towards 1.0 has been furious in the past month or so. Romanb has spearheaded the re factorings required to bring Doctrine to the level required for a 1.0 release. We will continue developing in trunk towards 1.0 while maintaining the 0.10.x branch bringing you bug fixes daily.